Arrowcrest Estates HOA
Troubleshooting FAQs
Q: Why do I receive a 404 "URL Not Found" when clicking on Residents Login?
A: To access the private Residents site you must be logged in with a Google account that has been granted access by the HOA Board of Directors.
You must first fill in the Residents Access Request form and be sure to enter an email address attached to a valid Google account. The form will be reviewed by the Board and you will receive notice when your access has been granted.
If you have already completed the form and received notice that your access was granted, be sure that you are logged into the same Google account that you used on the form. The 404 error page is shown if you are logged into a Google account that DOES NOT have access.
If you are not logged into a Google account when clicking the link, you will be redirected to a Google login form.
Q: How do I check what Google Account email is logged in?
A: Go to this Google URL:
If you are logged in you'll see an Account screen like in the screenshot below. The email address under "Google Account email" is the logged-in Google Account email. This should be entered in the Residents Access Request form when requesting access.
If you are not logged in you'll see a "Choose Account" login screen. Log into a Google Account or create a new one from this screen.
To switch which Google account you're logged into, go to:
Q: How do I create a Google Account with my existing email?
A: Follow the steps below:
Click “Create an account”
On the form click “Use my current email address instead” and enter your existing email
Complete the form